National Trust Database - Search Results

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Eucalyptus botryoides

Southern Mahogany Gum

Royal Botanic Gardens, Birdwood Avenue,, MELBOURNE VIC 3004 - Property No T12099

Contribution to the landscape of historic garden Outstanding size Outstanding aesthetic significance Outstanding example of the species Located in the NSW Cool Temperate Rainforest section, this tree makes a significant contribution to the Australian Rainforest Walk. It is exceptional for its straight trunk and height, aesthetic significance and is an outstanding example of the species. It exhibits good health and vigour and will continue to contribute to the ... more



Eucalyptus botryoides

Southern Mahogany

Gippsland Lakes Coastal Park, Woodpile Road,, MEERLIEU VIC 3862 - Property No T12130

Remnant native vegetation at end of natural range This is an isolated group of approximately 150 Eucalyptus botryoides (Southern Mahogany) located in the Gippsland Lakes area between Lake Wellington and Lake Victoria. They are significant because this small woodland is at the most westerly point in the natural distribution of this species. It is located on private rural property but also extends into an area of adjacent public land. The trees ... more

